Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So I am getting very excited to see many of my friends in less than a month down in beautiful Florida. I can't believe it's been almost 15 months since graduation. In many respects, it feels like just yesterday, but in other respects, it definitely feels like ages since we were all together. It's bittersweet, and yes--it is all a part of growing up. Unfortunately, we can't be together all the time like we were in school. But thank goodness for modern technology! With the click of a button, we are instantly connected whether it's across town or across the globe.

For all of my friends in different parts if the country and abroad- pleas continue to do great work, be safe, and have an awesome time. I pray every day for your continued health and safety.

Life is busy, busy, busy for me, and I can't wait for my trips back home and to Florida!

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