Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tired and Sleepy Eyes

For some reason, I have been exhausted the last few days. I'm sure it's a blend of being uber-busy at work, crazy hectic at school, and generally not getting enough sleep at night. Furthermore, my exercise regimen has been sporadic at best, and I really think that that has a lot to do with my fatigue! I would love to work out every day, but there never seems to be enough hours in the day! Plus, my summer class is nearly half-way finished, which is a good thing...because it leads me that much closer to going back home for a while in mid-August and going to Florida! There is a light at the end of the tunnel...

Things have been going well at the internship. I think my main project has reached its summit, so now I'm working on other tasks "as assigned." I like the break in pace; it allows me to regroup and focus on the next few weeks. After tomorrow, I'll only have 4 more to go! It's crazy to think how quickly 7 weeks can go by. (For that matter, it's crazy to think that 14 months have gone by since graduation! We're getting old...)

It is true...we are all in such a hurry to grow up, but, if given the chance, I'd love to have the freedoms and liberties I had as a child. Not that I would ever want to be 10 or 15 or even 18 again, but I would LOVE to have (virtually) no responsibilities; no bills, no fears about money or the economy or the war, and no major worries in general. I now look back on my childhood years and wish that it didn't fly by so fast!! Such is life.

Also, I'm attempting to avoid caffeine. It's day two of "detox," and I'm not enjoying it! Sleepy eyes, indeed.

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